Dear Fellow Alabamians,

Please find the responses from these 4 candidates below.

In Christ,

Dr Randy Brinson

Dick Brewbaker
1. If elected to Congress, what will be your main priority? (please select one or rank) (Illegal immigration; economy; abortion; job creation; education; other.)
  A: Getting the economy back on track needs to be our number one priority, but I am a staunch advocate against illegal immigration and abortion, and have dealt with education issues my whole career.
2. Do you attend church? (weekly, once a month, twice a year, not at all)
  A: Weekly or more than once a week.
3. What church in Alabama do you attend and who is your pastor?
  A: I am a verger at Christchurch Anglican; Our Rector is Father Andrew Rowell.
4. What is your religious belief? (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, other)
  A: Christian
5. Will your faith impact your decisions as a member of Congress?
  A: Of course - my faith and beliefs are reflected in every decision I make
6. Do you support the expansion of gambling for Indian tribes in Alabama at the federal level?
  A: No
7. Do you support holding IVF clinics legally responsible for maintaining the viability of fertilized human embryos in their possession?
  A: Yes, but I need more information on this issue to clarify my stance.
8. Do you support any restrictions on abortion?
(None, restrictions after 20 weeks, restrictions after 15 weeks, restrictions after 6 weeks, eliminate abortion at any time, eliminate abortion at any time except for rape and incest or imminent threat of mothers life)
  A: Elective abortion should be illegal
Charoleene Dobson
1. If elected to Congress, what will be your main priority? (please select one or rank) (Illegal immigration; economy; abortion; job creation; education; other.)
  A: I am running because I want a better future for my kids, a safer future. As the Congresswoman for Alabama's Second Congressional District, I will fight for building the wall to secure our border, reinstate the 'Remain in Mexico' policy, and enforce strict protocols to ensure that individuals illegally crossing our border are sent back to Mexico. We must restore order and uphold the rule of law to protect our families and children.
2. Do you attend church? (weekly, once a month, twice a year, not at all)
  A: I attend church weekly. My faith has always been an integral part of my life, having been raised in a Christian home where values of integrity and service were instilled in me from a young age. Now, as a mother raising my daughters, I prioritize providing them with the same grounding in faith and morality that I was fortunate enough to receive.
3. What church in Alabama do you attend and who is your pastor?
  A: I am blessed to attend both Trinity Presbyterian Church in Montgomery and First Presbyterian Church of Greenville, AL, where we are led by Pastor Rob Fossett and Pastor Kurt Cooper, respectively. Both churches play an integral role in shaping my spiritual journey and fostering relationships within our communities. It's through these congregations that I find strength, support, and purpose.
4. What is your religious belief? (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, other)
  A: I am a lifelong Christian.
5. Will your faith impact your decisions as a member of Congress?
  A: My faith will undoubtedly serve as the primary guiding factor in my decision-making as a member of Congress. When looking at our nation, I can no longer ignore the growing absence of faith in our society. It's evident that restoring faith in our country is essential for its future. I am running to preserve the bedrock values and moral backbone that have defined our nation with Alabama’s families, farms and faith in mind.
6. Do you support the expansion of gambling for Indian tribes in Alabama at the federal level?
  A: Any decisions regarding Indian gaming in Alabama rest at the state level, not the federal level. Since 1988, state governors have had the sole authority to negotiate a gaming compact with recognized Indian tribes at their discretion, and members of Congress play no role of any kind in that decision or process.
7. Do you support holding IVF clinics legally responsible for maintaining the viability of fertilized human embryos in their possession?
  A: The IVF process is quintessentially pro-life as it assists couples in experiencing the ultimate of God's gifts and blessings - the miracle of childbirth. A recent ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court prompted some IVF clinics to temporarily pause services and raised important questions about the treatment of fertilized embryos. The Alabama Legislature passed a temporary, stop-gap immunity measure that allowed IVF procedures to resume, and will explore more long-term solutions that specifically address the treatment of fertilized embryos that are not implanted or no longer needed. I am strongly pro-life and believe that the unborn deserve our every protection, but in order to achieve a resolution that fully represents our conservative Alabama values and basic Judeo-Christian morals, the IVF issue should be addressed by the state legislature, not the U.S. Congress.
8. Do you support any restrictions on abortion?
(None, restrictions after 20 weeks, restrictions after 15 weeks, restrictions after 6 weeks, eliminate abortion at any time, eliminate abortion at any time except for rape and incest or imminent threat of mothers life)
  A: I am running to fight for Alabama families, and that includes staunchly defending the rights of the unborn. In the recent Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court returned the matter to individual states. I commend the Alabama Legislature for its leadership in passing one of the most pro-life laws in the country. It's imperative that we continue to stand up for the sanctity of life and ensure that every unborn child is protected and valued.
Shomari Figures (NO RESPONSE, YET!)
Anthony Daniels (NO RESPONSE, YET!)


We also need to be wise. And loving. And patient. Perhaps nothing short of that should "seem good to the Holy Spirit and us." Brian McLaren, as quoted in Leadership

KNOWING GOD without knowing our own wretchedness makes for pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God makes for despair. Knowing Jesus Christ strikes the balance, because he shows us both God and our own wretchedness. Blaise Pascal, Pensees